B’nai Tzedek
More Than a Celebration — It's About Community!

Your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a wonderful time to discuss the importance of giving. B’nai Tzedek gives teens the chance to support their community through an endowment fund while performing mitzvahs that can commemorate their milestone. The JCF will match gifts up to a one-time total of $750 per child.
Behind the party, the family, and the gifts, there’s a teen who cares about making a difference.
At the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal, we believe that introducing young people early to the power of Tzedakah and community responsibility can be life changing. That’s why our B’nai Tzedek Program offers an exciting, hands-on way for B’nai mitzvah teens to make a meaningful impact — while celebrating this special milestone with their families.
By creating a B’nai Tzedek Fund in their name, teens get a head start in giving back to the causes and organizations that matter most to them. It’s a unique opportunity to learn the values and rewards of Tzedakah, creating a deep, lifelong connection to community.
As they grow, so will their fund — growing through investment and ongoing contributions. We’re not just teaching teens to give; we’re empowering them to become philanthropists for life.
How It Works
A B’nai Tzedek Fund is created in your child’s name with the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal (JCF).
To kick things off, the JCF will match the initial donation, up to $750! Plus, all donations are tax-deductible.
The fund is professionally invested and managed alongside all other JCF funds, following our current policies.
Each year, your child can direct up to 5% of their fund balance to support any Canadian Registered Charity they care about.
Friends and family can contribute to the fund anytime!
Organizations Your Teen Can Support
Their Synagogue
Their School
Federation CJA
Auberge Shalom…Pour Femmes
Bronfman Israel Experience
Bronfman Jewish Education Centre
Camp B’nai Brith
Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors
Agence Ometz
Montreal Holocaust Museum
Miriam Home
Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA
And many other registered Canadian charities!
Set up a B’nai Tzedek
fund today
Give your teen the most meaningful gift of all — the gift of giving!
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