Remainder Trust Calculator

Our custom-built Financial Calculators are designed to help professionals determine the tax impacts of making various charitable gifts.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A Charitable Remainder Trust ("CRT") may be appropriate for a donor who wishes to take advantage of the benefits available by making a donation during one's lifetime, but needs the income earned on the investments to live on. This may be accomplished by establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust.

The individual would be the income beneficiary of the trust for as long as they live and the charity would be the capital beneficiary on death. The individual will pay tax on the yearly income received from the trust. In the year of establishing the trust the donor would receive a donation receipt equal to the fair market value of the contribution to the trust.

The amount of the donation receipt would be based on the present value of the contribution taking into consideration an appropriate discount factor and the donor's life expectancy. Simpy enter the amount of the contribution, the contributor's sex and age and the calculator will determine the after-tax cost of the contributions.

A federal tax rate of 27.56% is used for taxable income greater than or equal to $253,415.
A federal tax rate of 24.22% is used for taxable income less than $253,415.

A Quebec tax rate of 25.75% is used for taxable income greater than or equal to $129,591.
A Quebec tax rate of 24.00% is used for taxable income less than $129,591.

Disclaimer: The data entered into the calculator is not collected or sent to third parties. The calculator is subject to our privacy policy.
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  1. The donor is a Quebec taxpayer.
  2. The full amount of the donation will be eligible for a tax credit at the given rate.
  3. Life expectancy used in the “Charitable Remainder Trust” and “Gifts of Life Insurance” scenarios are based on Statistics Canada most recent data.

The Calculator is provided as an aid only and a donor should consult with a professional advisor before making a gift.

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