Danielle Poulin

Founder of Caméo Consultation Inc.

Gouvernance en philanthropie


January 25 2024
Completed Event


Danielle chose philanthropy after practicing law for ten years, which had led her on the Board of directors of the Kidney Foundation of Canada (Quebec and national section), on which she served as provincial chairperson in 1997-1999. She was then offered the position of director of Gift Planning Officer at the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation in 2000, fell in love with the sector, and then became executive director of the Fondation Santé Haut- Richelieu -Rouville, from 2004 to 2013.

Her main driver is learning; she completed a specialized MBA in Collective Organizations at ESG UQAM in 2012, followed the Nonprofit sector Program of the Institute of Company Directors, as well as several training courses on social impact, measurement of social impact, design thinking etc.

She created Caméo Consultation in 2015 and has learned every day since, accompanying magnificent organizations in a perspective of co-development and sharing of expertise.. Since 2016, she teaches the Fundraising Campaigns course (microprogram in philanthropic management) at Université de Montréal, and she is one of the trainers of the ABC of philanthropy offered on an annual basis by AFP- Québec.

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  • Boîte à outils pour une gouvernance satisfaisante

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  • Vers une gouvernance satisfaisante pour l’organisation et les administrateurs

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