Paulanne Jushkevich

Professional Fundraiser, Certified Fund Raising Executive.

Ethics & Stewardship: A Crucial Role in Fundraising


October 12 2023
Completed Event


Paulanne Jushkevich has been a professional fundraiser for over 25 years, and a Certified Fund Raising Executive since 2004. While her expertise has been primarily in healthcare and health sciences, she has more recently delved into academia as the inaugural Associate Vice Chancellor of Advancement for Health Sciences and Research Initiatives at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign—one of the most celebrated land-grant institutes in the United States. She has represented and led some of the most recognized institutions in Quebec and in Canada, including the Canadian Cancer Society, the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation, St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation, and the Jewish General Hospital Foundation. Her reputation as a courageous change-agent has made her a sought-after speaker for such organizations as the Association of Fundraising Professionals and its francophone counterpart, AFESAQ. She has been instrumental in assisting and guiding many well-reputed community foundations in their quest to improve their fundraising approaches, usually by helping them shape the roles and responsibilities of their boards. And she has built and fostered some of the best fundraising teams in the business, coaching them toward excellence in major gifts and in the critical role played by every single member of a fundraising team.

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