Grassroots Application Form

Please feel free to clarify any of the items noted in the guidelines by e-mailing [email protected].

    1. Identifying Information

    Name of organization *

    Street address

    Address suite/unit

    Postal / zip code


    Province / state / reigon


    Contact person *

    Email address *

    Phone number *

    2. How did you hear about the Jewish Community Foundation?

    How did you hear about us?

    Dollar amount requested *

    Have you previously received a grant from the JCF? *

    If yes, for which project(s) and for how much?

    3. Project details

    Project title

    Description *

    Purpose and objectives

    How does the project conform to JCF guidelines and impact Jewish life in Montreal?

    Rationale for project

    Has this project been tried elsewhere? If yes, where?

    4. Project Implementation

    Please describe methods to be used and staff qualifications

    5. Funding


    What other sources of funding have been approached and with what results?

    6. For constituent agencies of Federation CJA

    Has the project been discussed with CPAC?

    If yes, what was CPAC's view of the project?

    Has the project been approved by the agency board of directors?

    Supporting documents

    Accepted file types (50mb max file size): pdf, docx, pptx, csv, jpg, png

    Signature *

    I have provided accurate and relevant information and agree to the terms of this application and intend to use the funds granted as stipulated in this request.

    Ready to submit requirements? *