Life & Legacy®

Start Your Jewish Legacy Today!

A program by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation

All of us, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation, have the ability to leave a legacy.

Making a legacy commitment today will impact the future of the Jewish organizations in Montreal that are meaningful to you. There are many ways to leave a legacy gift and the JCF can help you figure out the option that best fits your lifestyle, family, and financial goals.

Help secure your legacy and assure Jewish tomorrows!

For Donors

What Is
Life & Legacy®

Wealth May Last a Lifetime,
a Legacy Lasts Forever.

Life & Legacy® is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal. Life & Legacy® assists communities across North America to promote endowment giving to benefit local Jewish organizations and the Jewish community. Through training, support, and financial incentives, Life & Legacy® motivates Jewish organizations to create a culture of legacy and assure Jewish tomorrows.

  • In one way or another, your life is rooted in experiences connecting you to our Montreal Jewish community.

    Chances are you already support Jewish charitable organizations in Montreal, but have you included these organizations in your will or estate plan? By leaving your legacy gift, you can assure that the traditions and institutions that mean so much to you today will support future generations.

  • All of us, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation, have the ability to leave a legacy. Your legacy gift can be customized and structured to fit your lifestyle, family and financial goals.

    Leaving a legacy is simple. Some options include:

    • Bequest in a will.
    • Gift of life insurance.
    • Gift of cash or securities, other assets or a portion of your DAF.
    • Charitable Remainder Trust.
    • Reflect on your Jewish passions.
    • Speak with a Philanthropic Advisor at the JCF by contacting [email protected].

By Leaving a Legacy You Can:

  • Secure your commitment to the Jewish community.

  • Express your values.

  • Perpetuate the Jewish traditions you cherish.

  • Preserve programs and organizations that support Jewish life in Montreal.

  • Feel connected to others with similar commitments and values.

  • Be remembered forever in the Jewish community.

Find Out More

Montreal Statistics

as of March 31st 2024.
  • $44.5M

    Future Gifts

  • 559

    Signed Letters of

  • 7


  • 423

    Number of

North American Statistics

as of March 31st 2024.
  • 1.5B

    Future Gifts

  • 73


  • 828+


  • $189M+

    In Placed

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