Our History.
Our Future.

For over 53 years, we have partnered with individuals, families, and community organizations to maximize the impact of their donations. We represent thousands of funds, helping donors set up customized charitable gifts so they can fulfill their philanthropic goals in a tax-efficient manner. That’s Smart Philanthropy™.

  • Our Vision

    A more philanthropic society, enabled by the JCF’s expertise in impactful giving.

  • Our Mission

    Inspire, enable and optimize philanthropy to meet the ideals, aspirations and growing needs of the Montreal Jewish Community and society at large.

  • Our Values

    The JCF is committed to the Jewish values of Tzedakah (Charity and Justice), Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World), and Chesed (Caring). Our work is anchored in the values of excellence, respect, trust, transparency, inclusion, education, social responsibility, and intergenerational continuity.

  • When we were thinking about our financial and philanthropic plans, the JCF offered the expertise to help us provide for the future of our family and the community we love. They also offered something else – peace of mind. At this stage in our lives, it feels good to know we have a trusted advisor who cares about what’s important to us.

    Harvey & Alta Levenson

Our Commitment To You and Our Community

Collaborate | Expand | Support

We collaborate with you to find tax-smart solutions that maximize your philanthropic impact while supporting causes that are close to your heart.

We expand your horizon through education, so you can make wise giving decisions while we take care of all of the administrative work.

We support the Montreal Jewish and broader community and its organizations by building and carefully stewarding financial resources – ensuring they remain strong and vibrant.

Arthur’s Dream
and Legacy Lives On

The vision of Arthur Pascal z”l back in 1971 was clear: Ensure that the Montreal Jewish community could benefit from a robust endowment fund which supported ongoing innovation and timely programming while also securing the community for future generations. Along with fellow leaders and donors, this dream became a reality, and The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal was born.

Today, the JCF is recognized as a centre of excellence in smart philanthropy and planned giving. It has evolved into the gold standard—a truly donor-centered hub for thousands of families to centralize their philanthropic efforts and benefit from unparalleled, tax-wise expertise to support their charitable giving and goals.

Stay in Touch!

For the latest in tax-wise charitable solutions, engaging events, and resources from our expert advisors, please join our mailing list.

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