“It’s about being connected to each other through the act of caring and giving. Simply being part of something greater than ourselves.”
– Kathy R. Assayag, President & CEO

Our team is comprised of talented professionals from diverse backgrounds, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. The advice we provide is focused on helping donors maximize their contributions, fueled by a deep sense of fulfillment that extends beyond our day-to-day jobs. We are committed to supporting the greater good of our community and beyond.
Professional Staff
Kathy R. Assayag
President & CEO
Kathy joined the JCF in 2013. She began her career in finance with Deutsche Financial Services, where she spent 11 years in corporate lending...
Robert Kleinman, FCPA, FCA
Executive Director of Estates & Trusts
Robert (Bobby) began his career in philanthropy in August 1994, when he assumed the role of Executive Director at the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal...
Joelle Mamane, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Joelle has been with the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal since 2000. She is primarily responsible for developing, managing, and reporting on all systems providing financial and investment information...
Linda Argalgi, CPA
Philanthropic Advisor
Linda joined the JCF in 2023 as a Philanthropic Advisor. She supports individuals and families in achieving their philanthropic goals using tax-efficient giving structures...
Howard Berish, FCPA, FCA
Consultant, Philanthropic Planning
Howard joined the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal in 2016. He meets with donors and professionals to explain different tax-efficient strategies to minimize the after-tax cost of charitable giving while maximizing benefits to charities...
Lizzie Cody, MFA-P
Philanthropic Advisor
Lizzie joined the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal in 2023. She supports families and individuals to achieve their philanthropic goals through efficient gift planning...
Shirley Dayan
Marketing, Communications & Events Officer
Shirley joined the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal in 2016. She supports and executes the marketing, communications, and event initiatives within the JCF...
Wendy Grossbaum
Finance Officer
Wendy joined the Jewish Community Foundation in 2016. She is primarily responsible for managing all incoming donations to the foundation...
Joel King
Executive Officer
Joel King practiced law for over twenty years, having established the law office of King & Haberkorn with Max Haberkorn...
Neilly Kornitzer
Marketing & Events Officer
Neilly joined the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal in 2023. She helps support the marketing, events, and many projects of the JCF, including the Centre for Philanthropic Learning (CPL)...
Aaron Leibowitz
Israel Philanthropic Consultant
Aaron began his career in community-building and development at Yeshiva University in 2004. Upon making Aliyah with his family in 2014, Aaron joined Nefesh B’Nefesh as a senior consultant, providing strategic philanthropic planning and development services...
Lindsay Lubov, CPA
Philanthropic Advisor
Lindsay Lubov is a Philanthropic Advisor at the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal. Her work supports the JCF’s mission to foster generosity and strengthen the community through effective planning...
Heidi Minkoff, CPA
Heidi joined the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal in 2016. She works closely with the CFO on all aspects of accounting and finance...
David Ohayon, MFA-P
Philanthropic Advisor
David joined the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal in 2023. He helps individuals and families achieve their philanthropic goals in the most tax-efficient manner through customized charitable giving plans....
Lee Omer
Grants Officer
Lee joined the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal in 2012. Lee is the key point of contact connecting donors to the worthy causes they support and sits at the center of all that JCF does as the professional who processes all grants...
Paolo Saldanha
Executive Director, Sylvan Adams Sports Institute (SASI)
Paulo Saldanha is a Canadian exercise physiologist, coach, and former professional Ironman triathlete, renowned for his significant contributions to the world of cycling and athletic performance...
Dawn Tobenstein
Client Services Officer
Dawn joined the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal in 2021. She oversees the scholarship program and works as a data analyst reporting to the accounting department...
Executive Committee
Francine Wiseman
Immediate Past Board Chair
Anne-Marie Boucher
Board Chair
Daniel Assouline
David Martz
David Amiel
Yossi Suissa, CPA, LL.M.Tax
Member at Large
Board of Directors
Sylvie Amar
Stephen Bronfman
Raquel Castiel
Elisa Dahan
Mark Edery
Nathalie Elharrar-Noik
Chiara Fish
Mayer Gniwisch
Hillel Greenbaum
Stephanie Gutnik
Lindsay Hollinger
Miriam Roland
Michael Rosenberg
Albert Sayegh, CPA
Steve Sebag
Joel Segal
Marjorie Skolnik
Alon Wexler, CPA, CBV
Chairs of Committees
Danny Ritter, CPA, CFA
Allocations, Investment
Richard Vineberg, FCPA
Michael Etinson
Data Security
Daniel Shapiro
Data Security
Howard Stotland
Data Security
Miriam Roland
Governance & Nominations
Steven Sitcoff
Olivia Khazam
Professional Advisory (PAC)
Shawn Rozansky
Professional Advisory (PAC)
Elisa Dahan
Marketing & Communications
Brenda Gewurz
Marketing & Communications
Stephanie Gutnik
Marketing & Communications
Honorary Presidents
L. Michael Blumenstein
Barry Clamen, FCPA z”l
Marvin Corber, CM, FCPA
Michael Etinson
Brenda Gewurz
Senator Yoine Goldstein, z”l
Stanley Hyman, z”l
Mildred Lande, CM z”l
Harvey Levenson
Boris G. Levine, CM z”l
Barbara L. Novek
Barry Pascal
Joel Raby
Robert Raich
Oscar Respitz, KC z”l
Danny Ritter, CPA, CFA
Miriam Roland
Gordon Schwartz, z”l
Joel Segal
Robert Vineberg
Francine Wiseman
Sheila Zittrer, z”l
When we were thinking about our financial and philanthropic plans, the JCF offered the expertise to help us provide for the future of our family and the community we love. They also offered something else – peace of mind. At this stage in our lives, it feels good to know we have a trusted advisor who cares about what’s important to us.