Be a Catalyst
for Good
Discover the benefits of incorporating philanthropy in your professional practice.

The JCF is Part
of Your Team
We value our long-standing relationships with professional advisors. Whether you are a lawyer, accountant, financial or insurance advisor, when the time is right, our experienced philanthropic advisors are here to help you develop your clients’ philanthropic plan, and manage all their giving in one secure, centralized place.
We're pleased to offer downloadable resources from our PAC seminars.
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PAC Co-Chairs
Olivia Khazam
Shawn Rozansky
PAC Committee
- Alon Wexler
- Anne-Marie Boucher
- Barbara Novek
- Barry Pascal
- Brian Schneiderman
- Charles Leibovich
- Danny Ritter
- David Lisbona
- Earl Kaplin
- Francine Wiseman
- Jonathan Bicher
- Jonathan Green
- Lara Malewski
- Mark Brender
- Michael Frankel
- Miles Leutner
- Nancy Cleman
- Phillip Nadler
- Richard Wise
- Scott Binns
- Sharon Druker
- Shawn Rozansky
Resources For Professionals
The Importance
of Having a
With Your Clients
With over 91% of Canadians making donations to various causes annually (amounting to over $4.9B), charitable giving is becoming an increasingly important part of your clients’ overall financial and estate plans.
Taking a proactive approach that speaks to your clients’ values to include charitable interests, builds deeper and richer relationships that enhance client loyalty and strengthen the service provided to clients.
We understand the importance of catering to your clients’ interests and values, and are here to guide you.
Did You Know?
Of advisors report they are having philanthropic conversations with many of their clients
Of clients report having meaningful philanthropic conversations with their advisors
When to Have a Philanthropic Conversation
Timing, as they say, is everything. Studies have shown that clients not only welcome this type of conversation, but they also value the advice.
Consider these opportunities to have philanthropic conversation:
Discussing their estate plan
Year-end tax planning
Writing or revising a will
Planning for the sale of a business or other major asset
Preparing a retirement plan