Jenny Panitch Beckow Memorial Scholarship Israel
Language, literature, culture, art or music; or in any field of medical, scientific or industrial endeavour or research
Scholarship Summary
For graduate study or research for a qualified and interested Canadian student who is entering into or is currently enrolled in a program of graduate studies at an Israeli university; fields of study: language, literature, culture, art or music; or in any field of medical, scientific or industrial endeavor or research. All applicants are to list the financial assistance which they are already receiving for the forthcoming academic year. When Ruth Beckow started to think about her will and her philanthropic dreams, one priority stood out: to honour the memory of her mother, Jenny Panitch who, she says, encapsulated the spirit and soul of Raoul Wallenberg and others who helped save Jews during the Holocaust. “My mother would have wanted some recognition of their bravery,” says Ruth. “She was truly a kindred spirit, so sadly dismayed by this tragedy.” She decided to create a scholarship program that creates bridges and understanding by offering the opportunity to experience life in the other’s country while studying, to promote mutual friendship and linking of our people. Applicants are required to describe other scholarships and financial assistance to which they are entitled during the period of studies under question.
Scholarship Amount
$20,000 -
Accepted Academic Institution
University Graduate in Israel -
Country of Academic Institution
Israel -
Province of Academic Institution
N/A -
City of Academic Institution
N/A -
Specific Academic Institution?
N/A -
Financial Aid Required?
No -
Academic Standing Required?
No -
Leadership Skills Required?
No -
History of Community Involvement?
No -
Can Students Re-Apply?
Required Documents
Proof of Citizenship
Canadian -
Letter of Application
Yes -
Yes -
Enrollment Proof
Yes -
Yes -
Letter of Reference