Types of Funds

Your giving goals will determine the type of fund that suits you best, both now and in the future. Read on to learn more about the fund types we offer at the JCF.
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We’re Here for You

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Your Very Own Hub for Flexible and Easy Giving

A DAF is your centralized space for all things giving – donated by you, managed by us. It is a bank account for philanthropy. Your charitable fund can be held in cash or invested in our diversified pooled fund to grow your giving potential. We also assist in the management of family foundations, while helping alleviate the administrative workload. Depending on the amount, other investment options may be available.

Get Started

Benefits of a
DAF at the JCF

Learn More About Our DAF
  • Receive a charitable tax receipt after donating

  • Grow your funds – and therefore your impact – tax-free

  • Grant from your account with ease – by phone, email or via our Fund Advisor Portal

  • Fund your account from a wide variety of assets

  • Check your balance and contribution history anytime

  • Centralize all tax receipts in one location

DAF Frequently
Asked Questions

  • A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) provides you with a centralized charitable account for your philanthropy. It allows you to make gifts to registered charities in an easy and tax efficient way. You make an irrevocable gift — usually cash, securities, or mutual funds into your account at the JCF. Once this is complete, you receive a donation tax receipt and then advise the JCF on the charities and causes you want to support.

  • It’s like having a bank account for your philanthropy. You make a contribution of cash, securities or other assets into your fund, which then establishes an account in your name. You get a tax receipt for the donation made, and now have the ability to send any or all of your funds to registered Canadian charities. The JCF offers a variety of investment options depending on your goals. Any investment income earned in your account is tax free and is deposited back into your fund so you have more dollars to give to the causes you care about.

  • Giving through your DAF is easy. You may simply contact our Grants Officer at The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal to recommend a grant to any Canadian registered charity of your choice. Grants can be made via email or via our Fund Advisor Portal.

  • A Donor Advised Fund offers you a way to plan, manage and potentially grow your charitable giving. Here are a few reasons why you should choose to open a DAF:

    Simplicity – The JCF handles all record‐keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts.

    Flexibility – The timing of your tax deduction can be separate from your charitable decision-making.

    Tax‐efficiency – Contributions are tax‐deductible and any investment growth in the DAF is tax‐free. It is also easy to donate appreciated securities, eliminating capital gains taxes and allowing you to support multiple charities from one block of stock.

    Family legacy – A DAF is a powerful way to build or continue a tradition of family philanthropy.

    No start‐up costs – There is no cost to establish a DAF.

    Privacy if desired – You may choose to remain anonymous to the grant recipient.

  • You can choose any name for your Donor Advised Fund. Most donors choose a name that reflects the main purpose of the account such as “The Wise Family Educational Foundation.” Some donors select a name that memorializes a loved one, e.g., “The Jane Williams Cancer Memorial Fund.” Another option is to name the foundation after your philanthropic goal, e.g., “The David Levy Johnson Scholarship Fund.”

  • At the JCF, we believe that a Donor Advised Fund is an integral part of your personal financial plan. Our Pooled Investment Fund offers a diversified, balanced portfolio. In certain cases, you have the flexibility of other investment options.

    To find out more, click here to visit our Investment page or speak to one of our Philanthropic Advisors.

  • You can name your spouse or adult children as an advisor or successor advisor to your account.

    We can also facilitate more in-depth discussions about engaging your family in your philanthropy. Our team are trained Family Philanthropy advisors and can support you to define your family’s mission and vision. We can help you translate this mission into philanthropic impact, uniting generations of your family. We know that sharing values through philanthropy can be a powerful tool for many families and we want to support those that want to pass down their generosity from generation to generation.

Read More About The A To Zs Of DAFs

Endowment Funds

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Create a legacy by establishing an endowment fund in your family’s name or preserving the memory of a loved one. The capital will be invested, and an annual allocation will be paid out to the charities of your choice in perpetuity.

*The funds are invested such that an overall allocation of approximately 5% is distributed to the charity. The balance of investment income remains in the fund so that the capital grows to keep up with inflation.

  • Support a charity of your choice in perpetuity and link your family name to its cause. The designated organization will receive an annual allocation and the remaining capital will be preserved. Similarly, you can choose to endow your Federation Combined Jewish Appeal (CJA) gift to ensure your annual support in perpetuity.

  • Allow the JCF to allocate your funds according to the community’s greatest needs. Learn more about the impact of our undesignated funds.

  • Your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a wonderful time to discuss the importance of giving. B’nai Tzedek gives teens the chance to support their community through an endowment fund while performing mitzvahs that can commemorate their milestone. The JCF will match gifts up to a one-time total of $750 per child.

    Learn more about B’nai Tzedek or Contact us to setup a fund.

  • This fund is designed to further the education of young students in our community, established in honour or in memory of a loved one. Every year, students in CEGEP and university will apply for an endowment, and your family will select a deserving recipient.

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