Making a Lasting
Difference Just
Got Easier

Facilitating tax-wise giving. Strengthening our community. At the JCF, we believe that being charitable shouldn’t be complicated.

Reaching a New Milestone

Thanks to our Donors

For over 53 years, we have partnered with individuals, families, and community organizations to maximize the impact of their donations.

Our Impact

By The Numbers Fiscal year 2024 end, March 31st 2024.
  • $2.3B

    Assets Under

  • 2,729


  • 1,271

    Charities and Grantees

  • $220M

    In Grants to Charities
    and Programs

Your Account for Philanthropy

Our DAF Explained

You choose the causes – we do the rest. Learn how a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) allows you to support charities and programs close to your heart with a single donation – all while maximizing your tax benefits.

Learn More

Introducing the Centre for Philanthropic Learning

The JCF’s role as a leader in philanthropy has inspired the creation of the Centre for Philanthropic Learning (CPL). For donors, advisors and charities alike, the CPL is your go-to knowledge hub on matters related to charitable giving, as part of a wider philanthropic ecosystem.

Inspiring speakers. Bespoke training. Tax-efficient tools. A wide range of charitable resources. Join us to learn, collaborate, and lead.

Learn More
Anne-Marie Boucher
  • For several years, our clients as well as myself, have had the good fortune to work with the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal for our philanthropic needs. Whether it's the ease of accessing your account and making donation requests or when it comes time to discussing advanced planned giving, the JCF is your partner of choice.

    Steve Sebag Senior Wealth Advisor & Senior Portfolio Manager, Canaccord Genuity Group Inc.

Don’t Miss Our Next Event!

Donors | Professionals | Organizations

Upcoming Event
For Professionals For Charities For Donors

Bobby Kleinman & David Ohayon

Smart Philanthropy : Strategic Giving to Non-Qualified Donees

February 20, 2025
Gelber Conference Center
Free CPL Event

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